Design Thinking: What’s so different about it? Design Thinking isn't like anything we've seen before. Here's why.

Design Thinking has been gaining steam over the past few years. The popular visualisations of the framework seem obvious and intuitive – which begs the question, what is so different about it?

The answer to that lies in what’s different about in our world today. In the words of Eddie Obeng:

“The real 21st century around us isn’t so obvious to us, so instead we spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognize, but which no longer exists… Companies make their expensive executives spend ages carefully preparing forecasts and budgets which are obsolete or need changing before they can be published.”


We’ve all seen the three lenses of Design Thinking, you know the one I’m talking about. The Venn diagram of Desirability, Feasibility and Viability, and at the intersection, the holy grail of Innovation/User Experience/Design Thinking/(insert own phrase here).


When I first looked at this, I had two questions:

  1. How is this so different from the way businesses have been functioning thus far?
  2. How have they survived these past several years, if they haven’t been taking into consideration all these factors?

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