Yes exactly that’s how people will be greeting you in few days! Nothing can ever beat the enthusiasm of Holi. Holi is a festival of fun, craziness, gujiyas, bhaang and above all COLORS. We all love taking pictures that capture our craziness and fun of holi. So building up on this enthusiasm our baby DealChaat has started a Photo Contest named #PhotoKaari on its facebook page where you can share your pictures with the world and who knows…..you might just win a prize in the process.

So have pictures capturing your most awesome memories from Holi? Played with mud, got your dog colored all pink and blue, got your grandfather to play with you too, your kid’s first holi or that with your neighborhood gang … whatever triggers your Holi memory and that your friends will like. Submit them to the DealChaat #PhotoKaari contest.
(Don’t have any Holi pics? Well its a good thing then that Holi is just around the corner. Time to get that camera ready! Because you don’t wanna miss out on the awesome prizes!)
The picture that gets the most number of votes will win!
Don’t like playing Holi at all? Worry not my friend. We won’t hold it against you if you submit any other pic with a lot of color in it. Hey, Holi means color and anything with colors will fly (especially a colorful parrot?).
Here’s how you can enter the contest
1. Like DealChaat’s facebook page
- Facebook users can go to the #PhotoKaari Contest tab on our facebook page.
- Twitter and Instagram users can caption their picture with “#photokaari“ to enter the contest [and then email your contact details to us at contest@dealchaat.in – ie only if you want to claim your prize
2. Submit your colorful pictures with an equally colorful caption
3. Pictures with the maximum number of votes wins amazing prizes. (Psssttt…We allow you to cheat. Invite your friends to vote for your pictures)
Bonus Entry: Every person gets to submit just one picture. But we will give you a bonus entry for each friend of yours who likes our page. This may just increase your chances of winning. So spread the word and get your friends to participate too! (Only on the condition that they take you to Rishikesh if they win 😉 )
The awesome prizes we keep talking about? Read on below!

So splash your colors and share them on #PhotoKaari Contest
Contest Terms & Conditions