Great response for our Ladies’ Oracle app!

Our very first game The Ladies’ Oracle has been out there for quite a while now on the Google Play Store (Android Market) and it has been getting a great response and from users worldwide! The game is so well liked that it has already crossed the ten thousand download benchmark – through just word-of-mouth.

Originally a classic book (written by the famous Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa),  we adapted the Oracle to be a pocket friend that can help you through any situation of your day-to-day life *wink*.



And we have been overwhelmed with the great response the app has been getting. Some say the app was hugely accurate (all credit to Mr Agrippa). Some users even asked us  to make the app for tablets and other smart app platforms !

We are so happy you guys are having fun playing it. And we do plan to keep improving the application and for that we would love to get your feedback. If you haven’t already played it, download now and play! Give us your feedback on how we can improve it for you.

You can read more about Ladies Oracle in our blog-post. Also, you can head to the Google Play now and download the game.

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Ideafarms turns 10 ! A decade of Innovation and Design

17th April- A day that is very important to us, as this day Ideafarms was born, and now its been a decade. An important milestone has been achieved successfully.

Our celebrations began way back when we crafted our new year’s greeting card relating with all the moments that we had in our journey (our clients, our parties, our people). Take a look .. Just a click away .

We also revamped our website and launched it on our anniversary. You can check it out here. Any kind of criticism and ‘Aww! thats nice‘ will be wholeheartedly accepted 😀

Our day was special as we had a ceremony at our work-place followed by a small party. The day began with work assigned to everybody – ‘Filling up balloons ‘. Everybody was enjoying that for once they had something new to do at the work place. In no time we had decorated our place with balloons.


You could feel the excitement in the air, the whole office was decorated to reflect the mood that a festival brings every year, which put a big smile on everybody’s faces.


Our CEO Mr. Sunil Malhotra and CFO Mr. Rajeev Malhotra were given a warm welcome, followed by a religious ceremony.


The pooja ceremony was done to seek the blessings of the almighty and bless our souls.


Rangoli in office has always been a part of our celebrations – the Indian way. Ruchi put in her creative hand and made a fantastic one.


After the ceremony, we had another ceremony, the cake eating ceremony 😀 . The cake was tempting and yummy-licious so it was hard to get our hands off it.


But the party ain’t stoppin as we had a grand celebration at Chonas, Khan Market. The food was superb and we all loved it.


Sarvesh captured  our 10-year journey into this beautiful poem as we turn 10, and create a landmark in the history.


Oh ! wait its not over yet. We got a  lot of attention from our loved ones on Twitter too. Check it out.