Current technological platforms and devices like the iPad with their mobility and multi-touch capability are redefining the potential of the customer’s interaction with your Sales team. Organisations are realising the value added by these devices in personalising the client-sales team interaction and are equipping their Sales Teams with these smart devices. While devices like the iPad are one piece of the message delivery puzzle, the real magic can only be added with the use of dynamic, interactive content that fully exploits the interaction capability of these devices.
Operating at the intersection of Design, Technology and Business, Ideafarms understands the value of an interactive experience. Our extensive experience in crafting Sales Configurator solutions across different verticals also affirms our belief that your client values an intuitive experience that is contextual to her needs.
Our thought paper “The case for Sales Mobility” [PDF] is intended to be a trigger to start a discussion with your organisation on how your Marketing and Sales functions can maximise your existing investments as well as provide your Sales team with the right tools and applications to win that next deal.
View and Download the thought paper.
(Interactive document Containing videos. Please wait for it to download completely before viewing.)
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- 4 Reasons the iPad is a Sales Rep’s Best Friend (goodpromotionalpractices.com)
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